“He must become greater; I must become less.” John 3:30
Kids can make a powerful impact for the Kingdom of God!
K2W Kids Helping Kids is a special opportunity for kids 18 and under who are participating in the Knees 2 War walk/run event to make an even greater impact through collecting donations for our cause. As soon as participants register, they can start collecting donations to bring on RACE DAY. Knees 2 War proceeds benefit building a children’s home for needy kids in India.
1. REGISTER- Parents need to register their child for the 10K, 5K, or 1 Mile walk/run. At the end of the registration, there will be a place to use a Kids Helping Kids Code*. This code will waive the registration fee and is only for kids who will be collecting donations for Knees 2 War Kids Helping Kids. Click here to register: K2W HILLSDALE
*Kids Helping Kids Codes: 10K: KHK10K | 5K: KHK5K | 1 mile: KHK1MILE
2. COLLECT DONATIONS- Print off our Kids Helping Kids donation and information forms and start making a powerful impact in the lives of kids across the world in India! Bring the donation form and your donations to the Knees 2 War event on RACE DAY. Click here to print: K2W HILLSDALE
3. MEDALS- All participants will receive a medal on RACE DAY if they collect the minimum amount equivalent to the registered event fee. (10K- $40, 5K- $30, 1 Mile- $20)
4. GIFTS- Participants who collect donations will receive special gifts on RACE DAY!